The Coyote Integrated Development Environment (IDE) is a tool that helps you develop RIO programs that will turn your programmable Coyote DataCom RIO devices into automated, stand-alone units. RIO programs are capable of controlling the device's analog and digital outputs, sending log messages over the serial port, or even controlling another Modbus
device over a radio link.
RIO programs can be created with either our custom flowchart editor or a C-like language. The flowchart editor tends to be an easier tool; more suited to simple programs. The C language is best for more experienced programmers, and is ideal for larger, more complex programs.
In addition to creating programs, the Coyote IDE helps you debug programs by simulating a RIO device in a virtual environment. The IDE can even connect to a RIO device and debug your program as it operates in the field, upload programs to RIO devices, and enable their programmability.