Advanced, XL Family


With the exception of transparent mode, the radio communicates with the user hardware via a set of formatted commands and responses.

All commands and responses take the following form:

Field Bytes Description
Prefix 1 Constant $AA
PcktType 1 Type of packet to follow.
PayLdLen 2 The length of the following payload in bytes (n)
PayLdData n The packet payload itself. See the command appendix.
Checksum 1 A verification checksum
Suffix 1 Constant $55

Valid PcktTypes are as follows:

PcktType Class Description
$00 – $0F AckData Guaranteed-delivery packets
$10 – $1F NoAckData No acknowledgement packets
$20 – $2F Ack Acknowledgement packets
$30 QuerySigStr Test signal strength command
$31 SigStr Signal strength response
$80 ReadMem Read data from radio's RAM or EEPROM memory
$81 WriteMem Write data to radio's RAM or EEPROM memory
$82 SweepFreq Read signal strengths from a range of frequencies
$83 ReadModel Read radio's model string
$84 ReadFirm Read radio's firmware version
$85 ReadSerial Read radio's serial number
$86 Success Successful command execution reply
$87 Failure Failed command execution reply
$88 SetMode Set the radio's current mode
$89 WriteFlash Write data to radio's Flash memory
$8A ListenSigStr Listen to communications and report signal strengths
$8B RestartRadio Reset the radio and reload settings from EEPROM
$8C SetDebug Enable one of the debugging modes
$8D ReadRSSI Read a raw RSSI value
$8E FlushQueue Report when all packets have been processed

The Checksum is calculated by totaling the byte codes in the PcktType, PayLdLen, and the PayLdData fields. Only the low eight bits of the total are kept.


As you can see in the command definition, the SetMode command has a PcktType of $88 and a payload of a single byte (Mode). A Mode of $01 indicates a switch to mixed-on mode. So to switch to the mixed-on mode you would send the following byte codes to the serial port:

$AA, $88, $01, $00, $01, $8A, $55

Note that the Checksum of $8A = $88 + $01 + $00 + $01.

The radio should respond with:

$AA, $86, $03, $00, $88, $00, $00, $11, $55

This indicates Successful processing (PcktType $86) of a SetMode command (PcktType $88) with zero bytes of additional data.

The Checksum ($11) is the low eight bits of $86 + $03 + $00 + $88 + $00 + $00 = $111.