Advanced, XL Family


The CDR XL radio family are frequency-hopping spread spectrum data transceivers operating in the 902-928MHz ISM band, under Part 15.247 of the FCC rules and regulations. They were designed as OEM modules for integration into other products or field devices.

When installed using an approved antenna, the user need only ensure that the appropriate FCC information is clearly visible on the outside of the integrated product. This label should contain one of the following phrases to be considered valid:

  • Contains Transmitter Module FCC ID: PHO-CDR9150X

  • Contains FCC ID: PHO-CDR9150X


For integration into products sold in Canada, the label should read:

  • Contains Transmitter Module IC: 4315A-CDR9150


"IC:" refers to Industry Canada. Please do not put "ID:" on your labels.


By integrating this radio into another product, you are responsible for complying with the external labeling requirements as directed in the FCC Rules and Regulations Part 15.19. To avoid the need to obtain additional certification, you should only use antennas that have been tested and approved for use with this radio.