By default, CDR XL family radios operate on 50 discrete frequencies (channels) spaced at 400kHz increments across the ISM band. Using a frequency agile phase-locked loop synthesizer, the radios are able to scan all 50 channels and quickly acquire synchronization with a transmitting radio.
Radios connect to a host device using a 10-pin SIP header. This connection provides the radio with the required DC power source and the serial I/O lines used for sending and receiving data to and from the radio.
The CDR XL family of radios can be configured to operate in a wide variety of ways. By default, the radios work in a "party line" mode where serial data written to one radio will be transmitted to all other radios:
57.6k baud, 8 bit data, no parity
Device address 1:1, default target 1:1
No retries, no relays, multiple packets in a row may be present